Publicação : 31/03/2022
Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz), a Brazilian federal strategic health research institution, is publicizing the Special Call among its researchers and mobilizing the Fiocruz community to submit proposals in collaboration with Canadian researchers.
Also, Fiocruz is committed to providing a supplemental funding of $10 thousand/year (total of $20 thousand) to Fiocruz research groups involved in winning projects, to support eventual travel expenses (to connect Brazilian and Canadian researchers) or/and local fieldwork, according to criteria to be detailed in separate guidelines.
Finally, Fiocruz will release an independent internal Research Call based on the UN Research Roadmap for the COVID-19 Recovery, focusing on some priority areas (budget and criteria are under analysis).
Summary Documents - UN Research Roadmap for the COVID-19 Recovery (in portuguese)
Read more details at: Fiocruz opens Canadian Special Call for research on post-pandemic recovery (article in portuguese)