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2. Arrifano, G.P.; Martín-Doimeadios, R.C.; Jiménez-Moreno, M.; Ramírez-Mateos, V.; da Silva, N.F.; Souza-Monteiro, J.R.; Augusto-Oliveira, M.; Paraense, R.S.; Macchi, B.M.; do Nascimento, J.L.; et al. Large-scale projects in the amazon and human exposure to mercury: The case-study of the Tucuruí Dam. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf. 2018, 147, 299?305.

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4. Basta, P.C.; Viana, P.V.d.S.; Vasconcellos, A.C.S.d.; Périssé, A.R.S.; Hofer, C.B.; Paiva, N.S.; Kempton, J.W.; Ciampi de Andrade, D.; Oliveira, R.A.A.d.; Achatz, R.W.; Perini, J.A.; Meneses, H.d.N.d.M.; Hallwass, G.; Lima, M.d.O.; Jesus, I.M.d.; Santos, C.C.R.d.; Hacon, S.d.S. Mercury Exposure in Munduruku Indigenous Communities from Brazilian Amazon: Methodological Background and an Overview of the Principal Results. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 9222.

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8. Oliveira, R. A. A. D., Pinto, B. D., Rebouças, B. H., Ciampi de Andrade, D., Vasconcellos, A. C. S. D., & Basta, P. C. (2021). Neurological Impacts of Chronic Methylmercury Exposure in Munduruku Indigenous Adults: Somatosensory, Motor, and Cognitive Abnormalities. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(19), 10270.

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