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Assista ao simpósio pelo Canal IOC no Youtube, nos dias 5 a 8 de Outubro de 2020, entre 14:30 e 17 h (horário local do Rio de Janeiro). As palestras serão em inglês. Perguntas e comentários sobre as apresentações devem ser feitos pelo chat do Youtube. Use a #simbaf2020 para continuar as discussões científicas através das redes sociais. 
​Certificados serão emitidos para os que tiverem >75% de presença nas atividades. O link da lista de presença será divulgado pelo chat do Youtube.

The Symposium will be live-streamed on Youtube (click here)  on October 5 to 8th, between 2:30 and 5 pm (Rio de Janeiro local time). Please, join the Symposium on Youtube. We welcome you to make questions and comments about the talks using Youtube chat. You may also use the #simbaf2020 to follow the discussion on social networks.  
The symposium will streaming on IOC channel at YOUTUBE (Canal IOC). There will be four scientific sessions, between 2:30 and 5 pm (Rio de Janeiro local time), from October 5th to 8th. Brazilian and foreign researchers will present their most recent research and advances. We will have talks from invited speakers and also selected from submitted abstracts. If you work in the field and have interesting results to share with the scientific community, please submit your abstract!
Daily sessions will feature presentations, audience Q&A, and a panel discussion involving the presenters. The full schedule details will be announced in the near future.