Registration and abstract submission

Abstracts have been selected for Oral and Poster Presentation.
Please, check the updated PROGRAM and instructions for poster presentation

Click here for selected abstracts.

Selecting participants and communications:
Undergraduate and Masters and PhD students from the different postgraduate programs will be accepted, as well as research professionals and technologists with profiles relevant to the topics under discussion. Interested participants will have the opportunity to present their recent findings, theoretical models and hypotheses in the form of abstracts, posters and oral communications. The selected works will be presented as posters or oral communications. The communications selected for oral presentation will have an opportunity of discussion with the invited speakers and other participants of the course. For this, the students and other interested participants should send a summary in English, with a maximum of 300 words, not including the title and the names of authors and institution, containing: title, justification, objectives, methodology, results and conclusions (title in bold characters, with only the first letter as capital, authors last name and initials, institution) . The abstracts should be accompanied by a letter from the advisors when submitted by students.
The works will be directed to a commission formed by researchers from FIOCRUZ or external members who will select abstracts for presentation as posters and of these 20 will be further selected for oral presentation. Priority will be given to works more linked to the course theme.
The selected participants will have 10 minutes to present their data and another 15 minutes for discussion of the oral presentations of the session.

Abstract submission deadline: June 5, 2019.
Registration deadline: June 17, 2019.

Open for Registration
Fill out the form below. the fields with the * are mandatory.
* Full name :
* CPF :
* Institutional link (professional, PG student, CI, researcher, technologist, other)
* Institution
Link CV Lattes:
* Nationality:
* Cell phone :
* email :
* Address :

* City :
* State :
* CEP:
Planning to submit an abstract for presentation in the meeting:
Yes (if yes, link to abstract submission) No
Abstract submission:

Text: (English, Arial 11, space 1.5, 300 words limit)
Presenting author:
Is the presenting author interested in an oral presentation of this communication:
Yes: No: