Course program

This course has a total duration of 40 hours, divided into 8 modules consisting of 5 hours each.

In all modules of the course, you will have access to the main content, made available through lectures and handouts with their bibliography, recommended reading list, followed by activities with guided studies on subjects concerning the learning units, as a way of cementing knowledge and expanding the suggested content.

The course modules were distributed in themes with the participation and discussion of the multi-professional team, portraying the interdisciplinary work that takes place in the neonatal ICU focusing on integrated care for the newborn and his family:

Module 1 - The newborn goes to the Neonatal ICU: medical care for sensory oral motor development and neuroprotection;

Module 2 - The specific characteristics of human milk;

Modue 3 - The newborn has stabilized: the integrated care of the speech therapist and occupational therapist in the Neonatal ICU;

Module 4 - Important aspects of Neonatal Dysphagia;

Module 5 - Study on the viscosity modification of human milk;

Module 6 - Properties of thickening agents - Modification of human milk viscosity;

Module 7 - When thickening the diet is not enough...;

Module 8 - Speech therapy care with hospital discharge.