
Local das aulas: Farmanguinhos/FIOCRUZ, Campus MANGUINHOS - Auditório contêiner novo.
Horário: 08 às 17 horas.
Créditos para alunos PPG Fiocruz: 02 


DAY 1 - May 7: 
–      An overview of the changing state of the world’s health
–      Overview of the DALY methodology to measure burden of disease
–      Constraints on health system performance
–      Performance against Millennium Development Goals
–      Numerous disease case studies
DAY 2 - May 8:
–      Major global challenges:
•       antimicrobial resistance
•       disease eradication
•       global pandemics and emerging infectious diseases

DAY 3 - May 9:
–      Research and Development (R&D) of new products.
–      Some novel financing mechanisms.
–      Future health technologies.
DAY 4 -  May 10:
–      Practices such as Case of studies (free).