Systems Biology is a rapidly expanding field and comprises the study of biological systems through mathematical modeling and the analysis of large volumes of biological data. In this International Course, students will have the opportunity to get in touch with the theoretical foundations of Systems Biology, as well as to understand its application in studies on human hosts, pathogens, associated diseases and cancer. This course is open to students and researchers in the field. The lectures will be presented by several international experts and will cover a comprehensive content related to systems biology. All lectures will be given in English. The lectures will be broadcasted live through the Campus Virtual Fiocruz platform.
This course is the third edition of a very successful series of international courses on systems biology that started in 2016. Click here for information about the previous edition (2017) of this course.
The course will take place in the Auditorium of the Leonidas Deanne Building (Building #26). Click here for a map of the campus.
Attendance is free of charge, but registration is required.
Registration for on-campus attendees is open to graduate students and researchers. Check the "Inscrições" tab.
Registration for online participants is open to anyone interested in systems biology. Please fill this form for registration.
For on-campus attendees, the following information is required:
Affiliation (Institution/Laboratory/Graduate Program) - see Instituição
Current position (Professor/Researcher/Graduate Student) - see Cargo
Motivation for attending the course - see Demonstração de interesse
